Wednesdays at FBC are composed of children’s choirs and community-building small groups, which takes place during the school year. Wednesday nights are all about relationships. The night starts with dinner at 5 p.m. in the Banquet Hall where families, friends or strangers can connect, get to know each other, and build community.
For the kids, Wednesday nights are for getting connected to Christ and each other with fun, faith, service and friends. The Bible stories show how we can have a relationship with God and each other.
(Dinner is $8 adults, $4 children, family max $20, no reservations required)

Children’s Choirs
6-6:40 p.m.
Cherub Choir
Infant to 2 years old
Each participant must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This choir usually ends by 6:20 pm.
Melody Makers Choir
3 through Kindergarten
Music Makers Choir
1st & 2nd grade
Treble Makers Choir
3rd through 5th Grade
For more information on our Children’s Choir Ministry, click here.
Children’s Small Groups
6:45 to 7:15 p.m.
3-4 years old and Kindergarten Small Group
1st and 2nd Grade Small Groups
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Small Groups
Please note: The back doors that lead from the Children’s wing to Green Street will be locked for safety reasons. Parents will not be able to enter the church through that door. Please pick-up children from the living room area of the children’s wing.
*Childcare is available for 0-2 during small groups in room 104*