Our primary partner in global mission work is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a network of churches that have united for the purpose of missions and fellowship. Our congregation was instrumental in the founding of this fellowship.
From the first days of the Ukraine War, Conscience International has been on the ground in Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine establishing partnerships with local churches and directly assisting refugees fleeing the war. Our church member, Dr. Jim Jennings established Conscience International in 1991. Through this organization he and fellow FBC church member, Robert Smucker are providing assistance to those fleeing Ukraine. See the following links to learn more about their relief work and how to contribute.
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deepest hunger meet.”
– Frederich Buechner
God gives each of us passions, gifts and talents to be used to build up the body of Christ so that we may express God’s love and grace to a hurting world. Studies have shown that the happiest people find tangible ways of expressing love to persons outside their normal circles of concern. And so, Christ’s teaching to watch out for what is best for others instead of each person watching out for their own good (Philippians 2:2-4) turns out to be one of the enduring principles of happiness.
Our primary mission partner is Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). We support CBF mission efforts throughout the U.S. and in 25 countries. Locally, there are numerous mission opportunities where individuals and groups can be involved. We will give you the training and support you need to enjoy serving. Find where your deep gladness and the world’s deepest hunger meet. Contact Rev. Ruth Demby to discuss how you can best use your passions and gifts.