First Baptist has always been actively involved in God’s redeeming work in the world. We work locally and globally to play a part in God’s mission for all people, of all places. We invite you to step into the work that God is doing in our midst, within and beyond the walls of our church building.
Promising Futures
First Baptist’s after-school program for children in low-income families offers various ways to get involved and teach and model life skills to the students who participate.
ESL & English Citizenship Classes
Volunteers teach or assist with this decades old literacy ministry that helps groups of men and women learn English and prepare for their citizenship interview.
Questions? Contact FBC at 770-534-7354.
2024 – 2025 Class Schedule
Classes begin Tuesday, 9/10/24 and Wednesday, 9/11/24 and end 5/13/25 and 5/14/25
Tuesday 10:00-11:30 a.m. Level 1 and Level 2 English classes (currently NO citizenship class offered)
Wednesday 6:30-8:00 p.m. Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 English classes and Citizenship class
Our classes follow the city school calendar, so if the city schools are on break, we do not meet.
Classes are free, but students must pay for their books. English books are $40, and Citizenship books are $30. The only other things you will need for class are a pen or pencil and some paper.
Childcare is NOT available.
All classes meet on the 2nd floor of the church on the left-hand side of the building. Please enter through the covered portico and then come up the stairs immediately on the right or use the elevator just past the stairs. There will be someone there to greet you and get you registered. There are a limited number of spaces available in each class, and it is on a first-come, first-served basis. Once a class is full, your name and number will be added to a waitlist, and you can join the class when a space becomes available. You are welcome to purchase a book to begin studying on your own until we have a spot for you.
We look forward to meeting you!
Click Here for information in Spanish, French or Vietnamese
Ministry of Caring
The Ministry of Caring helps those in our community who are in need of basic resources and assistance. This ministry meets daily with people to help provide funds for food, medicine, utilities and clothing.
For more information, contact Charles Phelps, Ministry of Caring Director 770-534-7354.
Family Promise of Hall County
FBC Gainesville partners with Family Promise of Hall County to provide volunteers for this outreach effort that seeks to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve lasting independence.
FBC Emergency Response
When disaster hits our community, our Red Cross trained volunteers help activate and manage the Family Life Center to serve as emergency housing.
Jubilee Community Farm
This community ministry provides fresh vegetables for our local food pantries and families in need.
FBC Gainesville also supports local organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Gateway Domestic Violence Center, Good News Clinics, Good News at Noon and the Gainesville Food Pantry with volunteers and financial support.
Throughout the year, we plan seasonal local mission opportunities. Whether collecting school supplies or Christmas gifts for local children or sponsoring food drives, our members share the love of Christ at various times during the year.