A Stephen Minister is…
A caring, Christian friend who listens,
cares, prays, supports, and encourages
in a confidential relationship.
Someone who will be there for his or
her care receiver, meeting faithfully for
about an hour each week, for as long
as there is a need.
If you or anyone you know needs a Stephen Minister:
Please call Bob Page: 770-842-0341
or Kay Bell 770-540-6780

Stephen Ministers do not serve as
caregivers for:
• Minors
• Couples, families, or other groups.
(This is a one-on-one ministry)
• Those who are suffering serious
mental or emotional disturbance.
• Those who are suffering severe depression
• Those with personality disorders
• Manipulative individuals (those
struggling to navigate life in general
are referred to Compassionate Ministries)
• Those dealing with abuse issues, substance
abusers or chemically-dependent persons
• Those exhibiting suicidal behavior
• Those exhibiting violent behavior
• Those who need a social worker
• Those who are a part of their circle of friends